Are you ready to explore the Age of Chaos?
From the 3rd until the 26th of May 2024, we invite you to discover ‘Welcome to the Age of Chaos, Welcome to Entrotopia!’
A futuristic exhibition of 6 upcoming (inter)national artists.
A garden of visual and sonical textures of the 21st century, with robotic creatures and advanced technological & artisanal creations.
With live music and concerts by names as @oe.spiel & @melissajuice, performance platforms & a cultural mediation project.
Are you ready to embrace the chaos? Welcome to the future. Welcome to Entrotopia!
Vernissage: 3 May 2024 17-01h
with live music & performances from Öspiel @oe.spiel, SENSE @sense__u_all & Arne.
exhibition to visit: 3-26th of May on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays,
Sundays from 11 -19h (Friday 17th of May 13-21h) – free voluntary contribution
The 6 selected young emerging artists for the exhibition are
Anna Zanichelli (Brussels) @annazanichellistudio
Seppe De Roo (Brussels) @seppederoo
Arieh Frosh (London)
Fabien Zocco (Lille) @zoccofabien
June Ha (aka Öspiel, Brussels) @oe.spiel
Maria E. André (Brussels) @pocamea
This exhibition is realised by Piëdestal vzw / asbl (@piedestalvzw), curated by artist Seppe De Roo and supported by the Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, de Nationale Loterij (@loterienationaleloterij), Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (@ and in cooperation with our partners LaVallée vzw (@lavallee_bxl) & the performance platforms organised by COUP/E (@coup_e_container). We thank our partners and subsidizers.
Thanks to the players of the National Lottery! Thanks to them, Piëdestal vzw / asbl, can offer you a fascinating expo with “Welcome to the Age of Chaos! Welcome to Entrotopia!” #meerdanspelen #bienplusquejouer